Sunday, December 27, 2015

Ulm Minster - Bigger than Cologne!

Today we all went for a drive to Ulm, a city in the south east of Baden-Württemberg on the border of Bavaria. It is also on the Donau (Danube) river which is the border. Ulm is also the city where Albert Einstein grew up. However, that's not all that Ulm is known for. Many people believe that the Köln Dom (Cologne Cathedral) is the biggest cathedral in the world, how ever it is only ranked 4th at 157.4 metres tall. Ulm Minster was originally planned to be shorter than Köln, but later the spire was extended to surpass Köln. Ulm Minster is 161.5 metres tall with 768 stairs going up to 143 metres. Ulm Minster is often referred to as a Cathedral, however it never sat a bishop, so technically it is only a church. We also walked over to the Blue Danube and had a look around. It is similar to Albury and Wadonga how Ulm is basically one city, but Ulm is in Baden-Württemberg and Neu Ulm is in Bavaria.