Tuesday, December 29, 2015

HOMAG Factory Tour

Today Thomas took Julian and I to the HOMAG factory. Thomas walked us around explaining what all the machinery did. It is their largest factory being over 500 metres long. They make large machines for wood production such as panel production for furniture and sawing and CNC routing. They make all the machines and then send them off to other companies who actually use machines. The machines that they make range from $50K up to millions of dollars. We saw one machine which was being sent to a wood refining company in Australia. Thomas doesn't work on the factory floor but in sales in an office attached to the factory. The place was mostly empty of people because many people take time off between Christmas and New Years, but during normal times the factory has 1,600 people working there. We also saw gluing machines and other automatic machines where you just hit a button and with conveyors and other robotics, you put in the raw wood, and out comes a door frame or window frame etc. It was pretty cool. At the end we got freebie USB which is pretty cool because its a 16GB one and is pretty fancy looking.

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