Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Bakery and Breakery

Today we didnt have double music at the start of the day because the teacher was away. We still left the house at the normal time, caught the bus to the station, caught a train to Mössingen, and got on a bus at the station. But instrad of getting off at school, Laura, Sandra, Luisa and I got off the bus at a bakery on the way. I bought a chocolate croissant and so did Luisa, Sandra bought a Brezel and Laura bought some pastry ball things. It tasted good but we had to wait half an hour for the next bus in the cold wind. The bus took us to one of the streets near school so we walked the rest of the way. After recess we had a single GK and double German but Murray and I went to the cafferteria so we could do stuff because they are still doing the book they read. After lunch which was Mautaschen, we had triple MUM.
During lunch Murray and I were in the break room doing duo lingo and other stuff when we heard one of the girls on the other side of the table say something about Australia. Murray and I looked up and looked we looked at each other. A couple of the girls from our class also looked up. Then Murray asked what she said about Australia and that we were exchange students from Australia. Then the whole room went silent. The girls opposite us who were in either 10+ or year 11, asked us about how long we were here for and why and they were very surprised that we were there and that we were only 15 and 16. It was pretty funny though how it was pretty noisy then it was silent as soon as we said we were Australian and were speaking German.
During our break in the middle of MUM we were looking at all of the school photos and saw that every year has a class A and a class B such as 9a and 9b, except year 10 who has 10a, 10b and 10+ which is bigger. All the people in 10+ looked older than the rest of year 10 and Murray suggested that it might have something to do with the loosing of 1 year of school. That they were the inbetween year when when it happened so is got a bit messed up. But I am going to look into it more.

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