Monday, November 30, 2015

School Solo (Not really)

Today was Monday so back to school! Murray and Leon were away from school today but it was ok. We started with double maths, then we had double sport. In sport we did more badminton. After badminton the Germans had French and Latin so I went to the break room and read a bit of my book and also got the Wi-Fi working on my phone so that I can do Duo-Lingo and Leo. Lunch was pasta and sauce and I had it with Laura, Izzy and Nico because the French class were let out late (and the three I just mentions do Latin). After lunch we had double physics and then a single of English. Normally the English lesson is all in English but it wasn't today because we were going over the test we did on characterisation. Frau Watts didn't mark Murray's and mine :) Dinner was pancakes and Nutella (you jelly Sarah?)


  1. Sarah says "yes" to being jealous.

  2. Nutella and pancakes for dinner?!

    Haha don't worry about not knowing the characterisation stuff - the English teacher at Paula's school wanted me to help with spelling... Haha that ended well ;) And I also did a maths test which wasn't marked... Because I didn't write anything... Because I didn't know how to use the calculator!

  3. Nutella and pancakes for dinner?!

    Haha don't worry about not knowing the characterisation stuff - the English teacher at Paula's school wanted me to help with spelling... Haha that ended well ;) And I also did a maths test which wasn't marked... Because I didn't write anything... Because I didn't know how to use the calculator!
