Today was our second day of school. It started with a double history where we did a thought experiment about nuclear fallout and wether to have more or fewer people. This linked into the work we did later about numbers of refugees and wether to take more to help more people or less to be more sustainable. Then we had Math where we were doing stuff we would be doing in year 11 and 12 math. In double biology we learnt about what hormones come from what organs and what they do for the body. After lunch which was fish and potatos, we had a triple of MUM which is mench und media. We watched a film which I think was about some political thing and journalism. If was also weird today because at lunch we went to the local supermarket just because. It felt bad but its allowed. Nothing better to do in the 2 hours for lunch!
Yeah it's funny - high schools in Germany seem to be like uni in the way that you can just randomly go places, like the supermarket, when you don't have classes! :P