Monday, January 18, 2016

Last sport lesson ever!

Today was mine and Murray's last sports lesson ever. Most Australians already had it, bug we had ours today. This is beacuse we don't do sport or pe in year 11 and 12. It was very anti-climatic. The boys were being graded for soccer so we sat out a bit because neither of us wanted not needed to do it. We also had math, physics and a free. Everyone in year 10 had a dance course after school, meaning Murray and I would have to catch the bus and train alone. Karin picked us up from school at 3:30 along with Julian and one of his friends. This meant that Murray and I didn't have English at the end of the day. We dropped Julian and his friend home, then continued on to drop off Murray. After dropping Murray off, Karin and I went to the shops to buy some stuff. I bought almost 3kg worth of sweet things. About 750g of Haribo gummy things, 1.5 kg of Ritter Sport chocolate and 500g of Milka chocolate. All that for only 20 Euros. Laura stayed at home today again.

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