Friday, January 22, 2016

Last day of German school!

Today was mine and Murray's last day of school here in Germany. Mixed feelings about leaving and not knowing when I will be back in Germany. Sad to have to say goodbye. One the other hand, I will be happy to see and hang out with friends again. I am also looking forward to not doing too much. I haven't really had a stay at home holiday in what will be almost a year. Winter 2015 I had Arnhem Land and work experience, Spring holiday was the Austro-Swiss-Germanic tour and then this summer has been my exchange in Germany. The last just stay at home and not do anything was last Easter holidays! I have been busy. School wise, today was a very easy day. The trains were late which meant we missed our bus to get to school so we had to wait at the station. Wasn't too bad because we were in a heated waiting room. Once we got to school late, we just had the last half of Religion where we didn't do much. After recess was the school sammlung which is their equivalent of a formal assembly. Some awards were given out and there was a video about the year 10s sailing in Amsterdam and a powerpoint Laura made about Australia. After that Muzz and I had a free because it ran into French/Latin. After that the Germans had a chemistry exam. When they were finished we talked to the Germans and said our goodbyes to them. It was a bit sad.  Only one more full day in Germany.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Snow tobogganing

Today school was much shorter than a normal Thursday. We had double German and chemistry which was normal, but rather than having and extra long break with lunch and a free before lunch, we had double music earlier. We had it straight after chemistry where we watched a film about Mozart. We didn't have GK which is why we had music earlier so we didn't have to wait around at school for 3 hours doing nothing. We then caught the bus and train home. When Julian got home later, he and I walked to a big hill outside of Bodelshausen where we went tobogganing with two of Julian's friends. It was great fun! The slope down the hill was over probably about 100 metres long and we reached speeds which were quite fast. We raced down, and at the end you got to use the best bob for your ranking. As in if you came first you got the best bob. It was all good, except when we got back to the house Julian caught a fever.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Boring Subject Selection

Today was our last Wednesday in Germany! That meant we had our last math, physics and English lesson in Germany. For the first physics period we went down to the break room while the Germans had a test. English and maths were just standard lessons. After school was over, Karin came with Laura to pick Julian and I up from school. We went to McDonalds for lunch as there wasn't enough time to go home. After lunch Karin dropped Laura and I back to school for Laura to have a subject information selection meeting thing. Basically a teacher from each subject got up and advertised what they did in their subject for Year 11 and 12, for 1.5 hours. Karin and Julian drove straight to Julian's guitar lesson. During the meeting I got the hiccups really bad. So much so that my body was twitching whenever I did. I didn't have my water bottle on me, but Julia pointed out that I could go and get a cup of water. When it was over, Karin picked Laura and I up and took us home.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

MUM miscommunication

Today began with a free period. The Germans had a music test so Murray and I went to the break room. When they were finished we went back up for the second period where we just sang some songs. It was funny because all of Laura's friends were surprised  and happy to see her after not being at school for the last few days. What was funny was I was almost as surprised as them because Laura was still in bed when I walked to the bus stop. She went home again after the music test was finished. After recess was GK and double German. In German we did some drama kind of activities which reminded me of some of the games we played at Boys Brigade. One person was in the middle and pointed at a person and said something from a few options. Then that person was have to act the word along with the two people next to them. An example was for Hawaii the middle person was a palm tree and the two people next to them did hula dancing. When we finished that we had to act out a small conversation in Kabale und Liebe, the German text. We didn't have KL today because there were no announcements to make.

After lunch we would normally have triple MUM, but Murray and I went to where we normally have it and no one was there. They could have been in any room in the school. We waited a bit and no one came. I looked on the board for what teachers have what class in what room and it said that our class should have been in that room. We ended up going back to the break room. Later someone in our MUM class and another person came down. Murray asked if we had the class and Sebastian (the kid in our MUM class) told us that we had moved to a different room where all of year 10 were. We went up to the room at the end of the 5 minute break and the teachers were all cool that we didn't know where they were. The MUM groups were just giving presentations about a film that we watched in our first week.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Last sport lesson ever!

Today was mine and Murray's last sports lesson ever. Most Australians already had it, bug we had ours today. This is beacuse we don't do sport or pe in year 11 and 12. It was very anti-climatic. The boys were being graded for soccer so we sat out a bit because neither of us wanted not needed to do it. We also had math, physics and a free. Everyone in year 10 had a dance course after school, meaning Murray and I would have to catch the bus and train alone. Karin picked us up from school at 3:30 along with Julian and one of his friends. This meant that Murray and I didn't have English at the end of the day. We dropped Julian and his friend home, then continued on to drop off Murray. After dropping Murray off, Karin and I went to the shops to buy some stuff. I bought almost 3kg worth of sweet things. About 750g of Haribo gummy things, 1.5 kg of Ritter Sport chocolate and 500g of Milka chocolate. All that for only 20 Euros. Laura stayed at home today again.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

More snow!

Yesterday was a relatively quiet day. After breakfast Julian and I went back out into the snow and we did more bobsleighing and hide and seek in the snow. It was really fun. We played for about 2 hours.

Today was similar. Other than playing in the snow it was a pretty quiet day. Today we built a snowman with sticks for arms, rocks for buttons, bark chips for eyes and a carrot for a nose. Julian and I named him Günter. (Its a running joke we have). Laura is also still a bit sick. Today was also the last full Sunday in Germany! This time in 7 days I will be a plane back to Sydney, Australia!

Friday, January 15, 2016


This morning when I woke up there was snow outside! It is funny how we got snow in the first week and second last, but not over Christmas! Laura was still sick so didn't come to school. Being a Monday it was a short day. We had double Religion, but Murray and I went to the break room for the second period because they we all doing a group thing about stuff that Murray and I didn't understand. After recess we had a double free as well because the Germans had languages. After that was double chemistry. When we got home Julian and I played in the snow using toboggans and having a snow fight. It was pretty fun.